Level 2 Teacher Training Certification
Take your teaching skills to the next level with in-depth instruction on guiding meditations, the inquiry process, and holding groups.
This training is for anyone who has completed our Kids Programme, SOMA Programme, or Mindfulness for Life Teacher Training Courses.
The training consists of two types of sessions both conducted via zoom: whole group live training sessions and practice pods where you'll meet in small groups and practice what has been explored in the training sessions.
The first 3 sessions will focus on teaching. These are spaced three weeks apart so you can meet up in your peer groups during the intervening weeks. The last 4 sessions from 23rd November to 14th December will focus on feedback and assessment.
Thursday 21st September · 7pm-8.45pm · Live Training Session
2 x peer group calls practising guiding and inquiry
Thursday 12th October · 7pm-8.45pm · Live Training Session
2 x peer group calls practising guiding and inquiry
Thursday 2nd November · 7pm-8.45pm · Live Training Session
2 x peer group calls practising guiding and inquiry
Thursday 23rd November · 7pm-8.45pm · Feedback & Assessment Session
Thursday 30th November · 7pm-8.45pm · Feedback & Assessment Session
Thursday 7th December · 7pm-8.45pm · Feedback & Assessment Session
Thursday 14th December · 7pm-8.45pm · Feedback & Assessment Session
The skills and competencies you'll develop will enhance your mindfulness teaching whatever age you're focused on, whether children, teenagers, or adults.
The principles of guiding meditations with precision and accuracy; leading the inquiry process; and holding the group process are fundamentally the same whatever the age.
Naturally there are differences in working with different age groups and we'll provide information on this through the course.
BAMBA is the British Association of Mindfulness Based Approaches. It is widely regarded as the leading body in the field providing guidelines for good practice for mindfulness teachers. You can find out more about BAMBA's guidelines here: https://bamba.org.uk/teachers/good-practice-guidelines/
If you've completed our Mindfulness for Life Teacher Training (one year programme), completing this training will enable you to become a BAMBA listed teacher as well as become Youth Mindfulness Certified. You'll have to fulfill other requirements from BAMBA which you can find here: https://bamba.org.uk/faqs/
The training is broken into two parts. The first 9 weeks focus on exploring and practicing guiding 6 meditations and the inquiry process. It also includes exploration of holding the group process.
In the last 5 weeks the group will split in two with 9-12 people in each group. During this time you'll need to guide a practice for the group and lead the inquiry process into the group while being observed by an experienced teacher.
This will provide the opportunity for you to receive feedback and your teaching skills to be assessed.
It's important to note that in order to pass you do not need to be perfect. We are looking for a basic level of competence.
The criteria for assessment will be provided to you at the beginning of the course.
If you don't pass, we'll offer suggestions as to how you can achieve certification in the future. You will not have to do the course again. The suggestions will differ from person to person, but will likely include mindfulness supervision with an experienced teacher. Assessment in the future will require the provision of recordings of you guiding a meditation and leading the inquiry process with a live group.